The 2025 Judging Panel

Manolis Salivaras

Co-Founder, Technical Director, Head Panel Leader,Greece

Emmanuel Salivaras, owner and founder of Multichrom.lab, is one of the most experienced and skilled analysts in the industry of quality control and sensory evaluation of olive oil. He studied Food Technology at the Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki and then at the Agricultural Faculty of the University of Saskatchewan in Canada. From the same University, he also holds a graduate degree (M.Sc) in Food Science and Applied Microbiology.

Dieter Oberg


Dieter Oberg is scientifically involved in the history and quality of olive oil and continues to train intensively, especially in the field of sensory evaluation. In 1998, he co-founded the German Olive Oil Panel (DOP), which he now leads. He is therefore responsible for compliance with quality standards.

He is also a lecturer for olive oil sensory evaluation at the University of Applied Sciences in Zurich and a jury member in various international olive oil competitions such as PremioBIOL (Italy), the International Olive Oil Award (Switzerland) and the tests by the Hamburg magazine Feinschmecker. The now retired olive oil expert has been running the Olive Oil Information Community on a voluntary basis since 2002.

Agusti Romero


Dr. Agustí J. ROMERO, PhD in Food Science and Technology. Thirty years of experience as researcher at the IRTA Plant Science Program. His work focuses on virgin olive oil quality improvement and cultivar evaluation. He is co-author of one book about olive cultivars in Catalonia, the chapter about olive oils from Spain in “Olive Oil Sensory Science Book” (Ed. Willey, 2014) and several parts of technical books on olive oil, food sensorial analysis, etc.

Co-author of more than 60 scientific reports and more than 80 articles of divulgation. In addition, he is an expert assistant for the International Olive Council (IOC) regarding olive germplasm repository banks and professor in several master courses: “experto en cata de aceites” University of Jaen; “gestión e innovación de la industria alimentaria” University of Lleida.

Berlin Global Olive Oil Awards 2024 - Olive Oil Competitions - Milena Miklavcic

Milena Miklavcic


36 years; researcher, national Panel leader for organoleptic assessment from 2005; project development and writing, manager of accredited laboratory

BSc., Hilena Bučar-Hiklavčič (female) is the Head of laboratory. From 1998 she is spread among research work and project oriented work at Science and Research Center of Koper as a researcher and project manager in the field of olive oils and Hediterranean agriculture. Her main research fields are:antioxidant substances in olive oils and olive drupes (secoiridoids and tocols), chemometric assessment of extra virgin olive oils from Slovene Istria,sensoriaI and chemistry related studies of aotOChthonoos olive cultivars from Slovene /stria, monitoring of re/evant chemical and sensorial data in Slovene olive oils since 1995.

Berlin Global Olive Oil Awards 2024 - Olive Oil Competitions - Alissa Mattei

Alissa Mattei


Alissa Mattei is an organic chemist that started her professional life in 1974 in Carapelli company as quality control assistant, in 1995 became R&D and QC and QA manager developing new analytical methods and many studies especially on nutritional aspects of EVO ( polyphenols), creating Carapelli Nutritional Foundation.

In 1992 became professional taster and panel leader for Carapelli panel recognized from IOOC. Published several scientific papers, patents and participating in many workshop/congress in Italy and abroad.

From 2006 works as consultant for many companies and associations of producers, organizing tasting and scientific courses in Italy and in different other countries ( Russia, Ungheria, Cile, Argentina, Cina).

Today President of Knoil Association for dissemination of the culture of olive oil and Aifo (Italian millers Association) panel leader in Florence, secretary of SISSG ( Società Italiana per lo studio Sostanze Grasse ) and member of UNI-ISO.

She has been a judge in many national and international olive oil competitions.

Berlin Global Olive Oil Awards 2024 - Olive Oil Competitions - Ana Carrilho

Ana Carrilho


Ana Carrilho graduated in Agro-Industrial Engineering Instituto Superior de Agronomia, in Lisbon, initially developed her interest in the production of olive oils during the completion of her thesis, entitled “Definition of the optimal period of harvest of olives and characterization of the oils of two cultivars in the DOP – North Alentejano “.

In 2005 made a Master’s in Oliviculture and Oliotechnology at University of Cordoba, Spain having the opportunity to work in the “ Almazara Experimental – Instituto de la Grassa, topics such as Influences of Inertization in the process of virgin olive oil extraction and quality of the oils obtained. She is also Post-graduated in Management by Nova School of Business and Economics in Lisbon.
In 2003, developed a professional internship in Italy, in Product Quality Control at Carapelli. The following year, she returned to Lisbon, where she obtained a research scholarship, where she followed projects in the Olives and Olive Oil area until 2008. In the company Olivais do Sul was Technical Director, having been responsible for Quality and Environment, Production and Laboratory.

In 2013 he joined the Esporão team, assuming the responsibility of the Company’s Olive Oil Business Area.

Nicole Katrantzis

Nicole Katrantzis


Born in Germany and living with my family in Lausanne

Since 2015, professional olive oil taster of the Swiss Olive Oil Panel SOP

at the University of Applied Sciences in Zurich and a jury member at international olive oil competition the International Olive Oil Award (Switzerland).


We continue the family heritage of a small olive oil production, growing our olives at Lesvos island Greece, producing our own extra virgin olive oil label, export and market it in Switzerland.


Organizing and carrying out olive oil workshops with tastings for consumers, La Semaine du Goût and Slowfood  in Lausanne and Geneva area


2016 to 2022 member and vice president of Slowfood Canton Vaud

Berlin Global Olive Oil Awards 2024 - Olive Oil Competitions - Annette Schaffer

Annette Schaffer


I started working in the oil business in 1999 as a lab technician at Gustav Heess GmbH, a producer and wholesale trader of vegetable oils located in Stuttgart, Germany.

I established the laboratory accreditation (DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025) in 2004 and became head of laboratory in 2008

I attended several trainings for the sensory evaluation of olive oil and other vegetable oils hosted by DGF (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Fettwissenschaft), SOP (Swiss Olive Oil Panel), DOP (German Olive Oil Panel) and DLG (Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft)

In 2013 I formed a sensory working group for extra virgin olive oil at Gustav Heess GmbH.

In 2015 I became a member of the DGF working group for the quality of cold pressed oils and extra virgin olive oil.

In 2017 I joined the DOP (German Olive Oil Panel) as a taster and since 2019 I’m a quality manager there.

At Gustav Heess GmbH I am responsible for the quality control laboratory including the sensory evaluation of incoming products and new developments and the realization of product training.

Berlin Global Olive Oil Awards 2024 - Olive Oil Competitions - Aldo Mazzini

Aldo Mazzini


I have worked during the last 20 years in the olive oil field as an entrepreneur and as consultant and lecturer for privates and companies in Italy and abroad. I have also had some experiences in the meantime for olive oil and olives quality assurance and evaluation in Italian and international companies.

Consultant for “The quality improvement project” as EVOO taster for rough materials and blending and trainer for new Professional Tasters for the internal tasting Panel for Deoleo/Carapelli in Tavarnelle Val di Pesa (FI) since 05.07th.2016 to 31.03rd.2017;

Consultant as professional EVOO Taster for Olive Oil and Table Olives and Temporary Export Manager for Cipressa Sapori SRL (IM) from 10.1st.2016 to 06.30th.2016

Berlin Global Olive Oil Awards 2024 - Olive Oil Competitions - Efstratia Kouzoumi

Efstratia Kouzoumi


Aggeliki Efstratia Kouzoumi, is currently head of the Olive Oil Laboratory of Mytilene, an organization which belongs to the Hellenic Agricultural Organization “DIMITRA”, under the supervision of the Greek Ministry of Rural Development and Food.
Efstratia, is highly experienced in quality control and sensory evaluation and has participated in numerous scientific conferences and international quality olive oil competitions. She is the panel leader of Lesvos accredited organoleptic evaluation team.
Other notable professional activities include her involvement in environmental projects, waste management, plant protection, and olive oil cultivation research projects, etc.
She holds a degree in Environmental Science and a master’s degree in Environmental Policy and Management.

Berlin Global Olive Oil Awards 2024 - Olive Oil Competitions - Adil Daval

Adil Daval


Passionate olive oil taster since 2015. Hobby cook, Mediterranean cuisine, exclusively with various olive oils, studying many sides of Olive cultivation and production.   

Since 2019  professional olive oil taster of the German Olive Oil Panel e. V. (DOP), accredited by the EU and recognized by IOC.  Tasting between 300 and 350 different olive oils a year from all over the world as part of the panel and due to Z-Scores with very good results and homogeneity with the DOP panel.

Since 2019 member of the Turkish Olive Oil Panel (Zeytindostu Derneği in Izmir). 2022 study tour to Turkey with the DOP panel. Exchange of Knowhow with the Turkish Olive Oil Panel of the institute in Izmir  and the local panel of Aydin, both IOC recognized. The program included the visit of some olive oil producers, differentiation  of local varieties and training of typical defects. I participate as well 4 times per year at advanced training courses of the DOP.

For a company which has specialized on authochton varieties of the Mediterranean I regularly carry out since 2022 olive oil workshops with tastings in Northrhine Westphalia for consumer.

Berlin Global Olive Oil Awards 2024 - Olive Oil Competitions - Francesca De Ritis

Francesca De Ritis


ONAOO Professional Taster & Trainer.

Olive Grower and Premium Extra Virgin Olive Oil Importer.

Since more than 15 years she is a passionate olive grower from family farm in Abruzzo, Italy.

She developed a deep knowledge in EVOO from farming to milling, consulting, training and marketing.

Expert of Italian and other main European and North African olive oil producing countries.

She is a premium EVOO importer to the Dutch market and consults Retailers and Restaurants on their shelf space, the knowledge and the use of EVOO (Food Pairing).

Health Coach graduated in 2018 from IIN – Institute for Integrative Nutrition, New York.

Graduated in Psychology from University G. D’Annunzio.  Prior of working in the Food & Health industry she worked for 15 years for the world’s leading sport company in the area of costing, sourcing and development.

Berlin Global Olive Oil Awards 2024 - Olive Oil Competitions - Johnny Madge

Johnny Madge

United Kingdom

I started tasting olive oil on the panel of the Slow Food ‘Extravergini’ Guide in 2005 in Italy where he has lived since 1982. Since he has talked about olive oil for the BBC (tv and radio) and about bitterness in olive oil at the First International New York Olive Oil Competition in 2013. In 2008 he started olive oil education for tourists, chefs and producers from all over the world on  his Johnny Madge Olive Oil Tour.

Since 2014 he has judged olive oil in international competitions including Olive Japan, The London Olive Oil Competition and Athena. In 2017 he was awarded the Lekythos award at the Ercole Olivario Competition for the non-Italian person who distinguished himself for spreading the good word of quality Italian olive oil in Italy and abroad.

Berlin Global Olive Oil Awards 2024 - Olive Oil Competitions - Muge Asan

Muge Asan


Research R&D

Ministry of Food,Feed and Livestock

Central Research Institute of Control of Food and Feed

Food Engineer PhD / Master Researcher

Director of national and international projects Research of Olive oil&oil&fats

Panel Leader of Sensory Analysis Laboratuary Chef of Oils&Fats Laboratuary

Inspector of Ministry for Private Laboratories Validations for Analysis

Inspector of Accreditation Trainer for Ministry

Aseoaiation of Turc Acreditation/ANKARA Master Inspector

Control of Laboratoriees which are work in fôod Acreditation

Berlin Global Olive Oil Awards 2024 - Olive Oil Competitions - Richard Wolny

Richard Wolny


Richard Wolny from Germany is a copy writer and food journalist who has been working in the olive oil business for 20 years. He is the organizer of the “Experience the World of Olive Oil” show at Biofach, the world’s leading trade fair for organic food.

This special show allows all visitors to taste the different olive oils from the exhibitors of the trade fair in one place. In addition to this, Richard Wolny oversees the Olive Oil Award of Biofach, which he developed.

What makes this award particular is that the visitors select the best olive oils in a blind tasting and that the winners receive the prizes on site during the fair. Being member of the German Olive Oil Panel (DOP), which is certified by the International Olive Oil Council, Richard Wolny is part of the German network of panel tasters.

A fact that allows him to foster the communication amongst olive oil experts in Germany.

Berlin Global Olive Oil Awards 2024 - Olive Oil Competitions - Eletheria Kafsiki

Eletheria Kasfiki


I was in Athens Greece in 1987.
After my graduation in 2009 from the National and Kapodistrian university of Athens, where I obtained my degree in political science, I started my master’s degree in AUEB university of Athens in the field of International Marketing from which I graduated in 2011.
Since my 18 years old, I was working in our family business ‘’OLICO S.A’’, established by my father in 1981. Our business was one of the leaders in the field of trading and exporting Greek olive oil in all its qualities.

I have obtained very big experience and knowledge of the olive oil, its attributes (positive – negative) and qualities, trading transactions between selling and buying, and most important, I have learned to appreciate and love our Greek ‘’treasure’’, the Greek olive oil.

I am a member of Mr. Salivaras’s olive oil panel since 2015 where I have enriched my skills and experience towards sensory analysis.

Berlin Global Olive Oil Awards 2024 - Olive Oil Competitions - Rob Harris

Rob Harris


Robert Harris, Dip.A&D, MA (CSU Australia)

Australian Olive Oil Sensory Panel (IOC accredited) 

Judge, Australian National EVOO shows, Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne, Wagga Wagga.

Royal Melbourne Fine Food Awards. Australian regional/state EVOO shows.

AOA Study and publication of Tunisian Olive Oil production. ‘Oleo’ Munchen, Germany.

‘Der Feinschmecker’, Hamburg, Germany. Monocultivar OO Master, Milan, Italy.

Oil China, Milan, Italy. Flos Olei, Rome, italy. NYIOOC, New York, USA.

New Zealand

Rob is a past academic in the University sector of Australian and International education with special research areas in Art Education and Child Development through art.

Berlin Global Olive Oil Awards 2024 - Olive Oil Competitions - Dimitris Salivaras

Dimitris Salivaras


Dimitrios Salivaras, co-owner of Multichrom.lab holds a degree in Food Science & Human Nutrition from the Aegean University of Greece.

He has been trained in sensory evaluation of olive oil in technical and theoretical courses in Greece, Italy, and in Spain and in 2016 completed the 4-month advanced course ‘’Titulo De Experto En Cata De Aceites De Oliva Virgenes’’(Expert in Tasting Virgin Olive Oils) at the University of Jaen in Spain on an IOC grant.

​He has also completed the ‘’International Master for EVOO Taster and Olive Expert’’ by O’live Italy and the ‘’Technical Course for Aspiring Olive Oil Tasters’’ – 2014, by O.N.A.O.O. Imperia, Italy. He has also participated in seminars regarding agricultural technical production procedures. In 2017, he became panel leader of organoleptic assessment teams after completing IOC relevant seminar in Izmir, (Turkey) again under an IOC grant.

The quality assurance manager of Multichrom and deputy panel leader of its accredited panel, he has served on the panel of the London International Olive Oil Competition’’ from 2016 to 2019.

Berlin Global Olive Oil Awards 2024 - Olive Oil Competitions - Dr. Aida Lazzez

Dr. Aida Lazzez


Aida Lazzez is a PhD professor and permanent researcher at the laboratory, Genetic Resource of the Olive Tree: Characterization, Valuation and Health Protection in Olive Tree Institute, Sfax, Tunisia, since 2005. Her research aims to improve the quality of olive oil through the study of factors such as the maturation process, olive varieties, Extraction Systems and Procedures, Geographical Sites and Pedo-Climatic factors. In recent years she has focused on developing olive oil authentication techniques through biomarkers and olive oil “fingerprints”. She is the principal author and co-author of many scientific papers and has participated in several national and international scientific conferences.

She is an expert in the olive oil field and she had her expertise in olive oil tasting since 2009 through the University of Jaén and Olive Oil Council in Spain and she is Jury Member in the panel of some International Competitions; in Greece, Japan, Italy and Turkey. She is a founder and permanent member of the Scientific Days on the sidelines of the Med Mag Oliva Salon in Tunisia where she is in charge for developing several programs including a course on olive oil sensory analysis. She is responsible for the development of training programs conducted by the company Med Com Training and the presentation of training sessions for olive oil sensory analysis.

Berlin Global Olive Oil Awards 2024 - Olive Oil Competitions - Juan Baseda Torruella

Juan Baseda Torruella


Degree in Veterinary, Bromatology and Food Technologies

Facultad de Veterinaria (Universidad de Zaragoza)
Colegiado Nº 450. Ilustre colegio oficial de Veterinarios de Teruel

Secretary and Technical Director of PDO Aceite del Bajo Aragón (1999 –

Deputy Head Panel of Panel de Catadores de Aceite de Oliva Virgen de Aragón
(2008 – present)

Tasting Technical Manager of Panel de Catadores de Aceite de Oliva Virgen de
Aragón (2005 – l present)

Taster of Panel de Catadores de Aceite de Oliva Virgen de Aragón (2001 –

Organizer of the prize “Mejor Aceite del Bajo Aragón” (2001 – present)

Berlin Global Olive Oil Awards 2024 - Olive Oil Competitions - Dilsen Oktay

Dilsen Oktay


Born in Türkiye, and lives in Izmir.
I am the Manager of the family business and olive orchards. I produce olive oil in Gömeç, Balıkesir since 1998.

I own the brand “Ethem Bey Zeytinyağları” and the company DOKTAY, which is focused on food, agriculture, tourism, consultancy and trade. I am planning to build my own factory for 2020/21 production season and grow the business.

1998-2002 Bachelor of Science degree in the Food Engineering in CBU (Celal Bayar University, Manisa, Türkiye)
2002-2004 Master of Science degree in Economic Sciences, Marketing, Finance and Management in MAICh (Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania, Greece) Thesis topic: “Econometric Analysis of Turkish Olive Oil Sector With Special Reference To EU Membership” 2004-2010 Philosophy degree in Agricultural Economics in Ege University (Izmir, Türkiye) Dissertation topic: “Research Into The Possible Increase of Olive Oil Consumption in The Aegean Region Through Improved Supply Chain Management”

Berlin Global Olive Oil Awards 2024 - Olive Oil Competitions - Dr. Ing. - Mariem Gharsallaoui

Dr. Ing. Mariem Gharsallaoui​


Researcher at the Institute of the olive tree since 2001

Responsible for two research projects “Extraction systems and exploiting by-products” and “olive oil Quality and voice recovery” In Olive Tree Institute since 2001.

Member of the regional committee: sensitization oil mills operators

Berlin Global Olive Oil Awards 2024 - Olive Oil Competitions - Juan Baseda Torruella

Juan Baseda Torruella


Degree in Veterinary, Bromatology and Food Technologies

Facultad de Veterinaria (Universidad de Zaragoza)
Colegiado Nº 450. Ilustre colegio oficial de Veterinarios de Teruel

Secretary and Technical Director of PDO Aceite del Bajo Aragón (1999 –

Deputy Head Panel of Panel de Catadores de Aceite de Oliva Virgen de Aragón
(2008 – present)

Tasting Technical Manager of Panel de Catadores de Aceite de Oliva Virgen de
Aragón (2005 – l present)

Taster of Panel de Catadores de Aceite de Oliva Virgen de Aragón (2001 –

Organizer of the prize “Mejor Aceite del Bajo Aragón” (2001 – present)

Berlin Global Olive Oil Awards 2024 - Olive Oil Competitions - Dilsen Oktay

Dilsen Oktay


Born in Türkiye, and lives in Izmir.
I am the Manager of the family business and olive orchards. I produce olive oil in Gömeç, Balıkesir since 1998.

I own the brand “Ethem Bey Zeytinyağları” and the company DOKTAY, which is focused on food, agriculture, tourism, consultancy and trade. I am planning to build my own factory for 2020/21 production season and grow the business.

1998-2002 Bachelor of Science degree in the Food Engineering in CBU (Celal Bayar University, Manisa, Türkiye)
2002-2004 Master of Science degree in Economic Sciences, Marketing, Finance and Management in MAICh (Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania, Greece) Thesis topic: “Econometric Analysis of Turkish Olive Oil Sector With Special Reference To EU Membership” 2004-2010 Philosophy degree in Agricultural Economics in Ege University (Izmir, Türkiye) Dissertation topic: “Research Into The Possible Increase of Olive Oil Consumption in The Aegean Region Through Improved Supply Chain Management”

Berlin Global Olive Oil Awards 2024 - Olive Oil Competitions - Dr. Ing. - Markos Xanthakis

Markos Xanthakis


I hold a degree in Food and Nutrition Technology from the esteemed University of West Attica. During my academic tenure, I developed a keen interest in the domain of olive oil, which led me to pursue specialized training in this field.

In 2016, while pursuing my studies, I attended rigorous seminars on the ‘Organoleptic evaluation and marketing of extra virgin olive oil’ from oliveoilseminars.

During my internship at Multichrom Lab, I conducted comprehensive chemical analyses to ensure the quality control of olive oils and other fatty substances. Moreover, I had the unique opportunity to undergo training in organoleptic evaluation under the guidance of Mr. Manolis Salavaras and Dimitris Salivaras, which further bolstered my skill set.

In 2018-2019, I successfully completed the ‘Olive Oil Tasters Training Program’ from oliveoilseminars, which is recognized by the Italian National Organization of Olive Oil Tasters (ONAOO). Since 2019, I have been associated with the quality control division of olive oils and fatty substances at the renowned MultichromLab laboratory, which is accredited by the International Olive Council (IOOC) and is also certified with ISO:17025.

As a MultichromLab panel tester, I conduct organoleptic evaluations of olive oils sourced from different parts of the world, using the best practices recognized by International Olive Council (IOOC), American Oil Chemists Society (AOCS), FAPAS, and ISO:17025 certified.
I’m a Berlin Olive Oil Competition judge since 2021, with extensive expertise in quality control and organoleptic evaluation. As a skilled MultichromLab panel tester and Olive Oil Tasters Training Program graduate, I discern excellent from average olive oils with a keen sense of taste and smell.

Berlin Global Olive Oil Awards 2024 - Olive Oil Competitions - Dr. Ing. - Mariem Gharsallaoui

Dr. Ing Mariem Gharsallaoui


Researcher at the Institute of the olive tree since 2001

Responsible for two research projects “Extraction systems and exploiting by-products” and “olive oil Quality and voice recovery” In Olive Tree Institute since 2001.

Member of the regional committee: sensitization oil mills operators